art by @tendervirgo
Hello, my name is Dominique, or Dom for short.
I began editing in 2009 and continue to have passion for the craft. Topics I've worked with include holistic health, fitness, nutrition, pedagogy, technology, business, video game economies, and intersectional justice. In addition to essays and books, I love to edit recipes. View a sampling of texts I’ve edited here.
Back in 5th grade, I loved to play classroom teacher with my childhood friend Amy Brown, when I lived in Omaha, Nebraska. (Side note: I grew up in four different states.) Although I didn’t know about yoga or dharma teachers at the time, now that I’m grown up, that’s what I get to do! I began meditation practice in 2002 and, since 2015, have served as organizer of QTPoC Meditation.
I am an inaugural graduate of the M.A. Social Justice program at Union Theological Seminary, finishing May 2024. Concurrently, I completed trainings in spine anatomy and prenatal care with Living Now Yoga; 7 Homecomings Training with Lama Rod Owens; and Mind-Body Coaching Certificate with The Embody Lab. Right now, my baby is my yoga teacher.
Community Organizer
In 2015, I started wondering what ‘community’ means, what it is, and who gets one. Thus began my journey as a community organizer for QTIBIPOC—that is, Queer, Trans, Intersex + Black, Indigenous, People of Color. My activism, as leader of QTPoC Mental Health is grounded in my social location as a non-binary South Asian (Tamil/Bengali) Dutch-American person.
My favorite writing specialty is dessert criticism, although it’s been a minute since I was in the food publishing scene. Recently, I have published about mental health and healing justice. And sometimes I write poetry with an avant-garde bent.
I am a proudly self-taught designer whose visual creations, including the Rest for Resistance site, have had a demonstrated impact. My skills primarily fit into the scope of layout design, and I find it fun to create custom résumés with InDesign or Canva. Send me your existing application materials to discuss résumé updates.